Thursday, March 21, 2019


They were moving pictures of us at our worst -
The blessings of technology twisted and cursed
By our freethinking depravity
And our frequently fed degeneracy.

Yet, we have all done wrong.
So every murder mars us all
And we all share in the blame.
The sentences, the convictions,
Imprison us all forever.

Long ago, we all turned away.
We all listened to the songs of sirens
And we were all seduced by their promises.
Our leaders did not lead –
They offered us petty bribes
And played on our sordid fears.
Weak, we were happy to be misled.
We ignored our voices of conscience
And forgot the wisdom of ages,
Though it was there for us all to read
In the death toll of our violent history.

Even our reactions bring us shame.
Everywhere there is vengeance,
As an angry mob prepares a knot
And another one loads a gun.

Why do we never admit our common guilt
And seek the consolation of forgiveness?
Only then can floods of mercy
Wash away our shared shame
And quench the heat of hate.
Only then can we build bridges
That we all can cross into life,
Instead of erecting gallows
On which we all can only die.

But, for now, only tears are streaming.

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