Wednesday, September 7, 2016


 "And this your mountainish inhumanity."
(William Shakespeare, ‘The Book of Sir Thomas More’)

Policy driven by entitlement,
Buttressed by privilege, malice, envy,
And narrow greed that brooks no reminders
Of our moral responsibility.

You frighten old people into dying,
Making them slaves to meet your KPIs -
Data collection, endless complying -
You'd save them if they made animal cries.

Victory has gone to people smugglers,
For they begat the worst in you and more.
Smugness succours you as their trade is plied
On yet another fatal, distant, shore.

And all I see is inhumanity,
Mountainish in its ghastly proportions,
Grotesque in its self-serving distortions.
So much for mateship and for amity!

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